We promote the use of recyclable packaging, seeking to minimize the environmental impact of our products.


We seek cooperation with local producers and support their long-term business, developing a sustainable and growth-oriented project over time.


Valle Frio actively participates in the Romeral community, aiming to generate a positive impact on its inhabitants.


We reuse plant water in nearby orchards.

Valle Frío finances free pre-university schools in Maule

Thanks to an agreement signed between Valle Frío SPA, the Universidad Católica del Maule, and the Maule Foundation, students from the Romeral, Villa Alegre, and Vichuquén districts will benefit from free access to pre-university courses. For more information, we invite you to read the related article at the following link.

This agreement is part of our purpose to generate well-being for our employees and communities. In the same vein, we have implemented a life, catastrophic, and complementary health insurance for a significant portion of the company’s workforce, along with the establishment of a well-being committee, which aims to support and guide Valle Frío’s employees.